After being released, Peter and John went back to all the believers and reported what happened. The believers knew that this was not merely earthly opposition but a spiritual battle. They raised their voices together in prayer.
Their prayer reveals their faith and shows us how we can pray when spiritual forces try to intimidate us and shut us down. God is sovereign over the heavens, the earth, and the sea. God allowed this opposition against the believers to arise. He already revealed that the authorities in the world rise up and band together to oppose God. The believers saw that Jesus crucifixion only confirmed Psalm 2, all according to God’s will. As they recognized God’s complete control and sovereignty, they did not pray for God to destroy the opposition. They prayed for 1) great boldness to speak God’s word and 2) God to heal and perform signs and wonders in the name of Jesus. How do you respond to spiritual adversity? Will you pray in faith to participate in God’s will, even at a cost?
Filled with the Holy Spirit, the believers continued to speak God’s word boldly. God worked wonders among them, creating a beautiful church in Jesus’ name. No one was needy. God was glorified.
Application: Father, you are sovereign. Help us to testify to the resurrection of Jesus. Please make our church a sign of your power and love.
One Word: Pray, speak, and love