Daily Bread Content


Date : Jun 29, 2025
Passage : Acts 4:1~22
Keyverse : 12

The religious leaders recognized that their authority over the people was in great jeopardy. The priests, captain of the temple guard, and Sadducees came to Peter and John, while they were speaking to the people, and had them arrested and put in jail. The devil was working through the religious officials to suppress the truth.

Though Peter and John stood trial before the most powerful people in Jerusalem, they were not afraid or second guess their ministry. Instead, filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter rebuked them. They had crucified Jesus. But their rejection did not stop God’s salvation work. God raised Jesus from the dead. Jesus became the cornerstone of our salvation. Because Jesus conquered sin and death through his own death and resurrection, salvation is available to anyone who believes. In fact, no one else can save us – only Jesus can save us (12)!

The religious authorities were confounded. They couldn’t deny the healing of the man. They ordered Peter and John to stop speaking but the apostles refused. They were simply obeying God when they shared the gospel. Pray for such courage to tell others about Jesus, even in the face of opposition.
Application: Father, thank you for Jesus who alone saves us from our sins. Please fill me with your Spirit to boldly speak in Jesus’ name.
One Word: Jesus saves