After the crippled man was healed, people came running to the scene, astonished. But Peter challenged them, asking why they were surprised. It was not by man’s own power or godliness that the man was healed, but by Jesus, who is the author of life, and the very one the people disowned and killed. Yet God raised him from the dead and glorified him. It was through the name of Jesus that this man received complete healing.
How should the people then respond, instead of being astonished? Peter told them that even though they had acted in ignorance, now, it was time to repent, so that their sins would be wiped out and that times of refreshing would come. God is so merciful to forgive us our sins. The coming of the Messiah was promised from the time of Moses, and through the prophets since Samuel. The time has come for the people to turn to God and their wicked ways and receive the gift of grace through His Son.
Application: Father, thank You for offering us forgiveness when we have acted in ignorance. Help us to turn away from our sins, that times of refreshing may come. May the message of Jesus also be preached, that people may turn to You.
One Word: Repent and turn to God so that times of refreshing may come