Daily Bread Content


Date : Jun 27, 2025
Passage : Acts 3:1~10
Keyverse : 6

As Peter and John were walking to the temple, they passed a man who had been crippled from birth. The man was carried to the temple gate called Beautiful everyday so he could ask those passing by for money. He never imagined receiving healing from anyone.

When Peter and John passed by, he also asked them for alms. But the apostles looked straight at the man. They had neither silver or gold to give. Instead, Peter commanded the man to walk “in the name of Jesus.” Peter took him by the hand, and the man was instantly healed. There is power in the name of Jesus.

We too, as believers, have authority through the name of Jesus to heal the sick (Mark 16:17-18). May we walk in faith so that those around us who are crippled and helpless would also be healed.
Application: Lord Jesus, thank You for Your powerful and matchless name that heals every disease, curse and sickness. As Your believers, may we walk in faith and speak Your name to see those in this dark world healed and set free by Your grace.
One Word: “In the name of Jesus Christ”