Daily Bread Content


Date : Jun 26, 2025
Passage : Acts 2:37~47
Keyverse : 38

The people who heard Peter’s message were cut to the heart. They asked him what they should do. Peter said, “Repent and be baptized.” The gospel always requires a response. In obeying, the people would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit as well as a new life, and not only them, but also their children and all whom the Lord would call would receive this gift. Our life of faith in Jesus is not only for ourselves, but for our families and those around us, that they would also be saved and believe.

The new believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship with one another through the breaking of bread and prayer. The gospel changes our lives from worldliness, and self-centeredness to love and care for one another and humble generosity. As they lived in such harmony, the Lord added to their numbers daily. May we be such a unified and blessed church, that God too would add to our numbers.
Application: Father, thank you for the power of the gospel. Let us repent and put our faith in you, and live a life that is generous towards your children.
One Word: A unified church that comes through repentance