Daily Bread Content


Date : Jun 23, 2025
Passage : Acts 2:1~13
Keyverse : 11

The Day of Pentecost came fifty days after the Feast of the Firstfruits, when Jesus was resurrected. Pentecost was also when the Feast of Weeks took place, when Jews from several nations come to Jerusalem to celebrate thanksgiving for the harvest crop (Deuteronomy 16:16).

The disciples all gathered together as they normally did in prayer and fellowship. Suddenly, a sound like the blowing of violent winds filled the entire house. What seemed like tongues of fire rested on them, and they all began speaking in different tongues. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, just as the Lord had promised (1:5). The Holy Spirit would equip them to go into all the earth to proclaim the gospel, heal the sick, and boldly proclaim the Word of God. It was the beginning of a new ministry, one empowered by God’s Holy Spirit.

Jews who had traveled to the festival witnessed what took place and were utterly amazed. They had never seen anything like this. However, some misunderstood and thought the disciples were filled with wine. However, the disciples were not filled with wine, but with the Holy Spirit, just as the Lord has promised they would. They were now able to partake in the great commission across the earth.
Application: Thank you, Father, for doing such as You promised. As we gather, may the Holy Spirit fall afresh upon us. We pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
One Word: Be filled with the Holy Spirit