In his former book (otherwise known as the Gospel of Luke, while referring to the reader as “Theophilus” or lover of God), Luke gave an account of Jesus’ life and ministry before his death and resurrection. The Book of Acts then illustrates what took place after Jesus ascended from the grave.
When Jesus returned to his disciples, they thought he would restore the kingdom of Israel. Their minds were still earth-bound. But Jesus came and taught them about a kingdom that is eternal: the kingdom of God. He gave them clear direction to remain in Jerusalem and to wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit, which has been promised to them. This would be the start of the church. When they received the power of the Holy Spirit, as Jesus promised, they would then be his witnesses—not just in Jerusalem, but in all Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. The resurrection of Jesus is for all mankind, every tribe, nation, and tongue. May we live as Jesus’ witnesses across the earth.
Application: Lord, enlarge our hearts and vision to understand your love and hope for the world. Fill us with the Holy Spirit so that the gospel be preached to the ends of the earth.
One Word: Be Jesus’ witness to the ends of the earth