Daily Bread Content


Date : Jun 20, 2025
Passage : Revelation 15:1~8
Keyverse : 4

The seven angels with the seven last plagues appeared, representing the time when God’s wrath is completed. There came the beautiful image of a sea of glass and those who had been victorious over the beast. The imagery here proclaims that God is victorious. The victors held harps and sang songs of worship and praise to the Lord. They praised God’s justice and holiness and his righteous acts. They proclaimed his glory and called all nations to worship before the Lord. This portends the fulfillment of God’s hope, where all nations come and worship him forever.

John saw in heaven the temple being opened. From there, the seven angels with the seven plagues came in shining glory. They received seven bowls filled with the wrath of God. Suddenly, the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God. God’s revelation is fearful, but there is the promise of entering God’s presence. He is the God of wrath, and he is the God of glory. We look forward to the day we may enter his glorious presence forever.
Application: Lord, help me to live a victorious life. Plant in me your vision: the hope of all nations worshipping God forever.
One Word: All nations will worship God