Daily Bread Content


Date : Jun 18, 2025
Passage : Revelation 13:1~18
Keyverse : 10b

John described two beasts. The first beast, coming out of the sea, represents worldly power. The whole world followed this beast and worshipped him. Even a seemingly fatal wound did not stop him. The beast was godless and driven by pride. He led others to wage war against God’s holy people. The only ones who were not completely captivated by this beast were those whose names were written in the book of life. We should not be surprised when worldly people reject God and even reject us violently. We must listen to God with patient endurance. God is sovereign and is ruling according to his plan. We may suffer even to death. But at all times and in all circumstances, we are called to endure and be faithful to God.

This second beast looks like a lamb but speaks like a dragon. He represents false religion. He serves as an agent of the beast of the world. He uses his power to deceive everyone, marking them as belonging to the beast. No one can buy or sell without his mark. His number is 666. It is the number of a man. The number represents those who are deceived into rejecting God, to live a worldly life. It is a tragedy that many are deceived and become godless.
Application: Lord, protect me from being deceived and following the world. Help me to have ears to hear and live with patient faith.
One Word: Live with patient and enduring faith