Daily Bread Content


Date : Jun 17, 2025
Passage : Revelation 12:1~17
Keyverse : 11

This chapter describes the eternal conflict between God and the devil. The pregnant woman is Israel, the people of God in the Old Testament. God sent his Son Jesus into the world through Israel. The dragon is Satan. His seven heads represent great worldly wisdom; his ten horns portray great power. Satan was an enemy of Jesus even before his birth. The 1,260 days here are the symbol of a time of unrestrained wickedness.

The devil was once an angel of God. He challenged God's rule and was cast out of heaven. He is the one who leads the whole world astray and plants a spirit of rebellion in men's hearts.

Satan is defeated by the blood of the Lamb and by the testimonies of faithful witnesses who love Jesus more than life. The gospel of Jesus is God’s eternal victory. Those who love God more than their lives are truly blessed in God’s kingdom. When the devil failed to destroy Jesus, he went off to make war on those who obey God's word.
Application: Lord, help me to love you more than my own life. Give me a share in the gospel triumph.
One Word: Victory by the blood of the Lamb