Elisha told a Shunammite woman to leave Israel to escape a seven-year famine. She took her son and did as he told her. After she returned home seven years later, she appealed to the king for her property. As the king was listening to Gehazi who recounted Elisha’s work to restore the dead to life, the mother appeared before the king and confirmed the event. She had her property restored and her faith in God rewarded. Jesus is our advocate before God. He will say, “Here is the one I’ve told you about that I’ve given him eternal life.”
Ben-Hadad was ill and sent his servant Hazael to Elisha to find out if he would survive the illness. Seeing Hazael, Elisha wept, because Hazael would murder his king and become a ruthless enemy king to the Israelites. Sovereign God knows and controls everything. We are to trust God who is ultimately in control, even when evil surrounds us.
Jehoshaphat, a good king of Judah, had his son Jehoram marry Ahab’s daughter Athaliah for political advantage. The marriage brought far-reaching adverse results. Athaliah influenced her husband Jehoram and her son Ahaziah toward idol worship and wickedness. The influences of the godly spouse and the parent are critical. God kept his promise to David by not destroying Judah.
Application: Lord, you are our Advocate, Sovereign Lord, and merciful God. Help me trust you.
One Word: God keeps his promise