Daily Bread Content


Date : Mar 14, 2025
Passage : Genesis 24:1~9
Keyverse : 7

After a life full of blessing, Abraham focuses his attention on Isaac, who is at least thirty-seven (17:17; 23:1) yet still unmarried, likely due to his mom’s death (24:67). Being too old to journey back to his brother Nahor’s family, Abraham charges his servant under oath to get a wife for his son. The servant realizes the difficulty of the task, “What if she is unwilling to come?” Abraham’s focus is “Do not bring him back there!” Instead, holding again to God’s promise and faithfulness, Abraham puts his trust in God who will provide a way to bring a wife.

Abraham’s assigned task from God was to teach his children the way of the LORD (18:19), and this included marriage. We too pray for our own marriages, those of our children and grandchildren – that we may see God’s vision to lavish love on a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his covenant. Let’s pray and trust God.

Additionally, we see the trusting friendship between Abraham and his servant. He shared his heart, the servant responded with concerns, and this sensitive and intimate matter was discussed frankly. The servant pledges himself to it. Do we have such people in our community? Are we such people? Our future depends on this.
Application: Father, we cry out to you to provide for faithful and holy families to be established, particularly among the coming generations.
One Word: Trust God and marry by faith