Daily Bread Content


Date : Mar 12, 2025
Passage : Genesis 22:1~24
Keyverse : 2

Such a command is unthinkable – a reverting of God’s promise. The test for Abraham was to trust God with not only his own life, but with his son – his only son – whom he loves. This is the first time the word love appears in the Bible. Abraham’s love for Isaac is a foreshadow of God’s love for his Son Jesus (Mt 3:17), whom he sacrificed for us. Silently preparing, taking the journey, engaging with Isaac as they ascend the mountain, even to the point of binding the boy and wielding the knife – all of it tested Abraham’s confidence in God who would “provide;” Abraham’s faith was justified.

The name Moriah means region of seeing. In a play on words, Abraham calls the place “YHWH sees to it,” or “the LORD Provides.” It meant more than he could imagine. The ram provided atonement for Isaac; the temple built here centuries later provided atonement for Israel (2Ch 3:1). But the temple points to Jesus (Jn 2:19-21), and his atoning sacrifice opened the way of salvation for all people. The LORD Provides indeed!

God tested Abraham because he wanted to transfer the covenant from being conditionally based on Abraham’s obedience (12:1-3) to an unconditional covenant based on God alone (16).
Application: Father, you have provided everything in Jesus. Help me to trust you with all that I love.
One Word: The New Covenant is unconditional