Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 09, 2025
Passage : Genesis 3:14~24
Keyverse : 19

The consequence of sin was death. It was also hardship, struggle, and pain. What was once perfect became tainted. Once they were naked and felt no shame, now they had to dress to impress or to hide their shame. Once they loved and accepted each other as they were, now cursed desires and power struggles arose in their relationships. Once they found the simple pleasures in life, now they had to work for life’s necessities.

For sure, we still live in a fallen world, full of sin and hardship. But God did not abandon us. God’s salvation was always in mind. It is said the first prophecy of Jesus is here, that speaks of the offspring of woman crushing the head of the serpent. God did not intend to leave us in our brokenness, but to be with us in it, and to restore us to himself and to each other. Adam could still choose to love his wife instead of rule over her and seek God’s kingdom and righteousness despite hardships. The tree of life, though out of reach, remained.
Application: Creator God, we are accountable for our sins, yet you are with us through it. May we experience your saving grace.
One Word: God is with us in our struggle.