Daily Bread Content


Date : Oct 28, 2024
Passage : Zechariah 11:1~17
Keyverse : 7

The word of God said to Zechariah, ‘Shepherd the flock marked for slaughter.’ These were the flock ready to be sold and slaughtered. God will not rescue any one of them. Even Zechariah got tired of these sheep. He would let them die, perish and eat one another.

Then Zechariah took the staff called Favor and broke it. They paid 30 pieces of silver for the shepherding of Zechariah. This is how much they paid to Judas Iscariot when Judas betrayed Jesus to the religious leaders.

The religious leaders in the time of Jesus were worthless shepherds. They deserted their flock, letting them die, be slaughtered and be sold. However, Jesus came as a true shepherd who was sold, perished and was slaughtered in place of his flock, us. Lord Jesus, thank you for coming into the world as a good shepherd. You never leave us to be sold, slaughtered and eaten but you became the sacrificial lamb for us. May we come to you and be filled with love and joy in our heart.
Application: Thank you, Jesus, for being our good shepherd.
One Word: Good shepherd Jesus saves us