Daily Bread Content


Date : Sep 06, 2024
Passage : John 20:19~31
Keyverse : 27

Risen Jesus appeared to his disciples while they were hiding in fear and doubt. He showed his disciples his nail pierced hands and the place the soldier pierced his side. The scars of torture and death remained on his body. When the disciples saw it, they were overjoyed. It was really Jesus.

Resurrection bodies are not the perfect images we see in fashion or sports magazines. If there was a resurrection magazine, it would show the scars, the hardships and the stories of death on the bodies. God’s glory is seen not through covering up, but through our scars. Christians are resurrection people who tell stories of truth that are sometimes ugly, shameful, or traumatic, but we come forth displaying the grace and power of God who overcomes all our sins, weaknesses and even death. Risen Jesus gives us true peace and the spirit to forgive sins.
Application: Lord, you bore the suffering of us all and have risen to give us true peace and power to live as resurrection witnesses.
One Word: Believe