Daily Bread Content


Date : Apr 14, 2021
Passage : Psalm 24:1~10
Keyverse : 1

1. Those who seek God's face (1-6)

The LORD is the creator of the heavens and the earth. He is the owner of all things. David saw that we are called to come to God, to meet him in his holy place. The blessed ones are those who come to God with trust in him, who cleanse their minds and hearts trusting that the LORD will receive them and bless them. The LORD blesses those who seek him with vindication and with his salvation. He blesses the generation that seeks his face. He is God our Savior.

2. Who is this King of glory? (7-10)

The LORD is the King of glory. He has revealed himself from ancient times. The question, 'Who is the King of glory?', calls us to seek the one who is eternal, at the same time who reveals himself-his glory-in all things, including our life when we seek him. He is the LORD Almighty, who reveals his glory as the sovereign Creator. At the same time, he is the LORD who comes very personally to all who seek him, revealing himself as their personal Savior.

Application: LORD, help me to seek you with a pure hope. Help me to trust you as the King of glory and as the one who comes and saves me.
One Word: That the King of glory may come in