1. God said: 'I will be with you' (11-15).
Moses seems to have no confidence to obey God's call, 'Who am I?' We can understand him. But God doesn't talk about Moses, but rather promises that God will be with him. God gives him a sign, a hope: he will bring the people to worship God together on this mountain. Moses asks for God's name, and God reveals himself as 'I AM WHO I AM,' the self-existent One; God who was and is and is to come. He is pleased to be known as the LORD (YHWH), the God of Moses' fathers. By this name he is known in every generation. Jesus reveals himself as the LORD and what this means to us through seven specific 'I am' statements in John.
2. 'I have promised to bring you up...' (16-22).
God details his plan: Moses should get the elders' support, relating God's promise. They will confront Pharaoh, who will not let them go. God himself will stretch out his hand to strike Egypt, and reveal his wonders. Then Pharaoh will let them go. God will make the Egyptians favor the Israelites and give them possessions. All this will happen because God is faithful and keeps his promise (Ge 15:14).
Application: Father, thank you for revealing yourself to me through Jesus. Help me believe your promise.
One Word: Trust God's faithfulness