Daily Bread Content


Date : Apr 26, 2020
Passage : Ezra 6:1~22
Keyverse : 14

1. The decree of King Darius (1-12)

God answered his people’s prayer and moved the heart of King Darius. He found that King Cyrus had indeed authorized the construction of the temple. King Darius squashed their enemies, ordered that construction costs be paid from the royal treasury, and provided animals for sacrifices. He also requested prayer for himself.

2. Two joyful celebrations (13-22)

The people finished the temple by faith, and dedicated the temple with joy. They studied the Bible and established temple worship according to the word of God. Then, they joyfully celebrated the Passover, remembering God’s grace and his deliverance, and how he had worked to change the attitude of the king.

Application: Lord, you open the way for your work to be done.
One Word: God makes a way when we depend on him