Daily Bread Content


Date : May 03, 2018
Passage : 1Samuel 16:1~23
Keyverse : 7b

1. The next king is chosen (1-9)

The Lord wanted Samuel to move beyond his grief for Saul and see God's good plan moving forward. He sent him to Bethlehem, to Jesse's house, to anoint the next king of Israel. Samuel was impressed by the appearance of Eliab, the oldest son. But God saw the heart of David the shepherd boy, Jesse's youngest son. To raise up spiritual leaders, we must overcome our human standards of judgment. When Samuel anointed David, the Spirit of God came on him in power.

2. David in the royal household (10-23)

David was called into Saul's court to serve the king God had rejected. It was a time of training in David's life. David's musical gift from the Holy Spirit helped to stabilize the demon-tormented king. Saul was pleased with David, and David would grow stronger in Saul's service.

Application: Lord, give me eyes to see the heart, as you do. Help me to serve humbly wherever you put me.
One Word: The Lord looks at the heart