Daily Bread Content


Date : Apr 30, 2018
Passage : 2Peter 3:1~18
Keyverse : 10

1. Why the wait? (1-10)

Peter wrote his letters to stimulate wholesome thinking and to turn people back to the word of God and obedience to Christ. This reminder is a timely one as we are confronted with many scoffers who doubt the reality of God's judgment. Noah preached a message of repentance for 120 years, but the people of his day shrugged it off and rejected his message just as many do today. They were sadly mistaken, though, and one day the rain came. So where is the Lord? Why has his returned been delayed? It's been over 2000 years! Peter teaches that it is because the Lord is patient and gracious. God is calling sinners to repentance and salvation. However, the Day of the Lord is coming, and it will be here soon.

2. How should we live? (11-18)

The reality of our Lord's coming is full of implications for his people. It fills us with hope as God promises a new heaven and a new earth where righteousness dwells. It also affects how we live our lives from day to day. Peter urges us to make every effort to be spotless, blameless, and at peace with God. This is how we want to be found when the Lord comes, isn't it? May God bless us to grow in the knowledge and grace of Jesus.

Application: Lord Jesus, help us to prepare for your coming!
One Word: The Day of the Lord is coming