1. God's judgment (1-10a)
In contrast to the prophets who wrote words spoken by God through His Spirit, many false prophets and teachers have come. They mislead multitudes of people by introducing heresies and fabrications, by denying and blaspheming the Lord, and by chasing after their lusts and greed. Their influence is dangerous and their destruction is certain. Will God really judge the ungodly? The chains of darkness on the fallen angels, the waters of Noah's flood, and the fire of Sodom and Gomorrah all speak for themselves. God is holding the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment. However, as in the case of the holy angels, Noah, and Lot, God will rescue the righteous.
2. What do false teachers look like? (10b-22)
False teachers can be recognized by what they do. They are outspoken and full of pride. They blaspheme the Lord in spiritual ignorance and live for parties and pleasure. Peter compares them to Balaam, who knew the way of righteousness, but chose not to follow it as he led God's people into temptation and disobedience. To Peter, they are like untrained animals and dogs who return to their vomit. We must avoid them with all diligence.