1. Be overjoyed when his glory is revealed (12-16)
When fiery ordeals come to Christians, we are caught by surprise. We think that Christians shouldn't suffer! But Peter teaches us not to be surprised or caught off guard, but to rejoice in our suffering. As much we suffer for Christ in this life, as much we will be overjoyed when we see him again. We will one day come face to face with his marvelous glory. Then all the suffering we endured in this life because of the gospel will be like nothing. When we are insulted by others for our faith, we can remember how blessed we are to carry the name of Christ. We should never be ashamed, but praise God that we bear His name!
2. It is time for judgment to begin (17-19)
God is coming as the judge. One day, we will all be judged. It will be hard enough for the righteous to be saved. What will happen to those who are unbelievers? So Christians must continue to submit ourselves to God our Creator, and continue to do good.