1. The Lord is mighty to save (1-6)
When Jesus comes again, he will come in power to save his own. He will come as Judge and Redeemer. He is pictured here as a man treading grapes in the winepress. We don't know when that day will be, but we can be sure that it will be a day of salvation for those who belong to Jesus. The enemies of God will be trampled under the feet of the Son of Man.
2. The Lord's deeds of kindness (7-19)
Praise the Lord for the many good things he has done for his people. He made Israel his own people; he was distressed when they were distressed. He gave them a shepherd, Moses, and brought them through the Red Sea. His Holy Spirit led them and gave them rest. His Spirit was grieved when they rebelled. We who trust Jesus are God's people. If we sin, we must repent. We must remember the basic grace of God who saved us, ask his mercy, and make his glory our greatest concern.
Application: Lord, send us your Holy Spirit. Forgive our sins and dwell with us. Help me to do what pleases you and glorifies your name.
One Word: I will tell of the kindness of the Lord