Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Isaiah 8:1~22
Keyverse : 12,13

1. Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz (1-10)

Ahaz and the people of Judah feared an invasion by Aram (Syria) and Israel (Northern Israel). But the real threat was the one from whom they sought help--Assyria. The name of Isaiah's second son is God's message to Ahaz. God would use Assyria as his instrument of judgment to plunder and destroy Northern Israel and Aram. The floodwaters would come up to Judah's neck--Jerusalem would be besieged, but it would not fall because Immanuel God was with her.

2. Fear the Lord (11-22)

Fear makes people do strange things. The Lord warns us not to follow other people's ways, or fear what they fear. Some people consult spiritists; others seek help from psychiatrists, or from other people. But we should fear God and consult him. When we seek God's way in the word of God, we have the light of dawn. God is a stumbling stone for those who fear men, but a shelter for those who fear him.

Prayer. Lord, teach me to fear you and walk in your ways.

Application: Lord, be with me and my people forever. Help us to trust you, not high tech.
One Word: Don't fear what others fear