Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : 2Chronicles 13:1~22
Keyverse : 18

1. Abijah's speech (1-12)

The battle lines were drawn up between Israel and Judah. The army of northern Israel was larger and more powerful than the army of Judah. Abijah stood on Mount Zemaraim and told Jeroboam and the army of Israel that they were depending on false gods and false priests; he told them that they were fighting against the kingdom of the Lord, so they could not win. He said, 'God is with us; he is our leader. Do not fight against the Lord....'

2. God routes Jeroboam (13-22)

Jeroboam ambushed Abijah's troops. Judah's situation looked hopeless. The men of Judah cried out to the Lord. Then they shouted a battle cry. The army of Israel was defeated. God gave Judah victory because they relied on him. Do you cry out to the Lord or try to struggle through some problem alone?

Application: Lord, help me to walk in your ways and grant that I may never allow foolish pride to keep me from crying out to you in time of need.
One Word: Rely on the Lord