Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : 2Kings 24:18~25:30
Keyverse : 24:20

1. The 2nd siege of Jerusalem (24:18-25:26)

Zedekiah son of Josiah was appointed king. He was the full brother of Jehoahaz who had died in Egypt. But he foolishly rebelled against Babylon, and Babylon again laid siege to Jerusalem. This siege lasted two years, until the people could not endure any more. When the wall was broken, the king and his army sneaked out of a gate and fled. The king was captured, blinded and brought in chains to Babylon. Every person of ability and every object of value was taken to Babylon. The temple was burned and the walls were broken down. A new governor was appointed by the Babylonians, but he was assassinated, and all the leaders fled to Egypt. It is tragic when God removes his hand of protection from a people.

2. The humiliation of King Jehoiachin (25:27-30)

A new king arose in Babylon. After 37 years of prison life, Jehoiachin was released. He became a royal beggar. So ended the human glory of David's descendants.

Application: Lord, give us a spirit of sincere repentance so that our land might not perish from the earth.
One Word: Trust God, not men or missiles