Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : 2Kings 8:1~29
Keyverse : 11

1. An obedient woman (1-6)

Elisha was a shepherd. He cared for the people of his time, both great and small. When he advised the Shunammite woman whose son he had healed to leave Israel for 7 years because of the famine, she obeyed. Now she returned. Elisha's servant was talking to the king; he identified the woman, and her property was restored. God's work in her life planted faith in the king.

2. A Gentile king (7-15)

Ben-Hadad king of Aram was sick. He was an enemy king, but he, too, was Elisha's sheep. When Hazael, his second-in-command, went to meet Elisha, Elisha wept. He knew that Hazael would murder Ben-Hadad and become a cruel and merciless foe of Israel.

3. Meanwhile, in Judah...(16-29)

Jehoram son of Jehoshaphat married Ahab's daughter Athaliah, a Baal worshiper. Their son Ahaziah came to the throne of David. There was no shepherd in Judah.

Application: Lord, raise up men of God who care about the people of our times.
One Word: A shepherd who wept