Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : 2Kings 6:1~7
Keyverse : 1,2

1. Let's build a bigger meeting place (1-4)

Elisha was a disciple-maker. A company of young prophets studied with him, and their number was increasing. Their meeting place was small, so the intern prophets decided to build a bigger place to live and study. Elisha gave them permission and went with them to the Jordan River to cut logs. Elisha must have been very happy about their sense of responsibility.

2. The axhead floats (5-7)

While they were cutting trees, an accident happened. The iron axhead that one man was using flew off and fell in the river and sank. The man was distressed because he had borrowed the ax. Elisha was pleased with the man's sense of responsibility. No problem was too small for him. He solved the problem with the power God had given him.

Application: Lord, help us to make a good environment for young disciples to study your word and grow. Give us each a sense of responsibility.
One Word: Let's build a bigger place