Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : 2Kings 5:1~14
Keyverse : 14

1. A little girl's faith (1-3)

Naaman was the great commander of the Syrian army, but he had a disease which made him more despised than a beggar. His wealth and fame could not help him. He was destined to die a painful and wretched death. A little servant girl, a captive and a slave, believed in the God of Israel. She had a shepherd heart for her master and told him about God's power and God's servant.

2. Naaman's faith and obedience (4-14)

Naaman was a proud man. He went to Elisha with a letter from his king. He was angry when Elisha didn't even come out and greet him. When Elisha instructed him to go and bathe 7 times in the Jordan River, he was furious. He didn't like to be told that he was dirty; he didn't like the Jordan River; he didn't like Elisha's attitude. But when he humbled himself and obeyed, he was healed. God cleanses sinners who come to him in his way. He blesses obedient faith.

Application: Lord, help me to overcome my pride and my own ideas and receive your training and your grace.
One Word: Do it God's way