1. What do you have in your house? (1,2)
Elisha not only counselled kings, he also shepherded the poor widow of a prophet. Her husband had left her with a debt. Her creditor harassed her by threatening to make her two boys slaves if she didn't pay off the debt. So Elisha asked her, 'What do you have in your house?' Her total resources consisted of a little oil in a jar. God starts with what we have.
2. Don't ask for just a few (3-7)
Elisha told her to borrow empty jars--as many as she could--from her neighbors. The number she borrowed was the measure of her faith. Then he told her to go in her house, shut the door, and fill the jars with oil from her one small jar. When she began to fill the jars with oil, God worked a miracle and there was enough oil to fill as many jars as she had prepared. She sold the oil and paid off her debts. God's power and blessing was only limited by her faith and obedience.
Application: Lord, give me faith to ask great things of you. Make America a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
One Word: Don't ask for just a few