Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : 2Samuel 24:1~25
Keyverse : 24

1. David orders a draft registration (1-10)

It was not necessary to count the fighting men. It was a concession to pride. Joab tried to talk David out of it, but he persisted. Afterward, he was conscience-stricken and repented, asking God's forgiveness.

2. These are but sheep (11-17)

Because of David's sin, God punished his people. David chose to suffer at the hands of the Lord. A terrible plague came upon Israel. The Lord grieved, and David was a broken-hearted shepherd to see his sheep suffer because of his sin (17).

3. I will not give God what cost me nothing (18-25)

David built an altar according to the Lord's instructions. Araunah was so moved when the king wanted to buy his threshing floor that he offered to give it to David free of charge. But David insisted on paying. The plague was stopped. This altar became the temple site.

Application: Lord, teach me to take full responsibility when I sin, and repent.
One Word: Give God something costly