1. David's sorrow (1-22)
The whole nation was unhappy because King David was unhappy. His heart longed for his son Absalom. He knew that Absalom should repent, but still he longed for him. So Joab decided to 'change the present situation' (20). He did not seek God's help; he hired an actress to tell David a story that would persuade him to restore Absalom. David recognized Joab's hand in this; but he agreed to let Absalom return. However, he would not grant him an audience.
2. Absalom is restored without repenting (23-33)
Joab had brought Absalom back. The situation had been changed, but Absalom was not changed. He was handsome and popular--and unrepentant. He pushed Joab to help him restore his relationship with the king, but he never repented. Joab's human solution turned out to be a disaster.
Application: Lord, help me not to seek clever human solutions; give me wisdom to help people in your way instead of in my own way.
One Word: God restores repentant sinners