Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : 2Samuel 12:1~13
Keyverse : 7

1. Nathan's parable (1-7a)

God sent Nathan to David to tell him a story about a poor man with one little ewe lamb which he loved like a daughter, and a rich and powerful man who took the lamb and cooked it for his guests. David's shepherd heart was moved and his sense of justice outraged. He burned with anger. Then Nathan said, 'You are the man.' David was the rich man with everything who took Uriah's precious one ewe lamb--and Uriah's life.

2. I have sinned against the Lord (7b-13a)

God had blessed David with everything he could desire: power, fame, wealth, wives and children--and he would have given him more. But David sinned against the Lord. He despised God's word and did what is evil in God's eyes. He broke the 10 commandments by committing adultery, then murder. He had violated the sacred trust of a shepherd and acted like a thief and robber. He did not cover up or deny it. He said, 'I have sinned against the Lord.'

Application: Lord, keep me from presumptuous sins; but, when I sin, help me to confess it honestly and repent.
One Word: Take God's word seriously