Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : 2Samuel 11:1~27
Keyverse : 27b

1. David remained in Jerusalem (1-5)

David had won many battles and his kingdom was firmly established. He thought he deserved a vacation, so he stayed at home when his army went out to fight. He slept in every day, and did just what he felt like doing. One evening, he got up from his bed and walked around on the roof. He was bored. He saw a beautiful woman bathing. He wanted her. He was king, so who could stop him? He slept with her and she became pregnant.

2. The murder of Uriah (6-27)

Bathsheba was the wife of Uriah, a loyal and brave general in David's army. David was his shepherd. But David only thought about how to cover up his sin. Uriah's faithfulness to his duty kept him from enjoying his wife even when he came home on a short leave. When his cover-up scheme failed, David arranged his death in battle. David the shepherd became a robber and murderer. God was not pleased.

Application: Lord, keep me from laziness and spiritual vacations that lead to sin.
One Word: Don't take spiritual vacations