Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : 2Samuel 2:1~32
Keyverse : 1

1. David seeks God and sows peace (1-7)

David knew that he should be king. But he did not act on his own. He prayed, seeking God's direction. God led him to return from exile and go to Hebron in Judah. The men of Judah anointed him king. The first thing he did was to take a step toward national unity. He praised men of Jabesh for their loyalty to Saul and for their valiant act on his behalf (1Sa 31:8-13). David wanted the support of such faithful men.

2. Joab, a man of revenge and war (8-32)

Joab, David's nephew, was his commander-in-chief. Abner, Saul's first cousin, had served Saul. Abner was ambitious. He wanted power. He set up the weak son of Saul, Ish-Bosheth, as king and called all Israel to follow him. When Joab and Abner met at the pool of Gibeon there was a bloody battle, the beginning of a fratricidal war. Joab's brother was killed by Abner, and the rivalry between Joab and Abner ceased to be political and became personal.

Application: Lord, give me a heart that forgives all wrongs and help me to sow seeds of peace.
One Word: A real shepherd is a peacemaker