1. Remember God's promises and commands
Peter wrote this letter to plant God's word in our hearts. When we hold God's promises and commands in our hearts, our thinking becomes wholesome--healthy and whole.
2. Jesus will surely come again
Some people scoff at this because they want to follow their own evil desires. But Jesus promised that he would come again. Those who scoff at God's word are deliberately forgetting that God created the heavens and the earth by his word. By that same word, the heavens and the earth are reserved for a fiery judgment.
3. God wants all men to repent
Why has Jesus waited so long to come again? It is because God is merciful and patient. He wants the gospel preached to all nations, so that all people may have a chance to repent, believe and be saved.
Application: Lord, help me to hold your promise in my heart and serve your redemptive purpose until Jesus comes again.
One Word: God wants all people to repent