Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : 2Timothy 1:13~18
Keyverse : 14

1. What you heard from me (13-14)

Paul taught Timothy to pattern his life according to sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ. He admonished him to keep in his heart this gospel faith that was entrusted to him, and live by it, with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us. The pattern of sound teaching entrusted to us is the Bible. Our Bible study should strengthen our faith in Jesus and our love for him. In a world full of Satan's lies, we must guard the good deposit entrusted to us.

2. Onesiphorus, a faithful man (15-18)

Onesiphorus had helped Paul in many ways when he was in Ephesus. When he heard that Paul was in prison in Rome, he went and searched for him until he found him, and ministered to him. He was not ashamed of being the friend of a prisoner. He was very different from many other Asians who deserted Paul when he got in trouble. God wants us to be faithful. God's Spirit helps us be faithful.

Application: Lord, help me to guard the gospel faith entrusted to me and be faithful to Jesus and to Jesus' people.
One Word: Be faithful