1. The day he comes to be glorified (8-10)
When Jesus comes in glory with his holy angels he will punish those who do not know God or obey the gospel of Jesus. They will be shut out from the presence of God eternally and sent to the fiery lake of burning sulfur to join the devil and his angels (Rev 21:8). But God will be glorified in his holy people. God's people, made holy by the blood of Jesus, will marvel at his glory and power and majesty. There is no need to hold any grudge in our hearts. We must trust God's goodness and his justice and live lives of obedient faith, with our hope set fully on Jesus.
2. May God count you worthy (11-12)
May God count us worthy of his calling. Jesus must rule our hearts. Then our purpose will be to glorify him. May he, by his power, fulfill our every good pur- pose and our every act prompted by faith. May the name of Jesus be glorified in us and may we be glorified in him.
Application: Lord, rule my heart and life so that your name may be glorified in me.
One Word: May Jesus be glorified