1. Titus (16-17)
Paul was sending Titus to Corinth. Titus was a young shepherd trained by Paul. He was no longer an intern shepherd; he was Paul's co-worker. He fully understood the importance of bringing this offering from the Gentile believers to the home church in Jerusalem, and he was eager that the believers in Corinth participate for the sake of their own spiritual growth and blessing. He had been involved in this work from the beginning. (6,10)
2. To do right in the eyes of God and men (18-24)
Paul was careful in dealing with money. He sought to honor God and encourage fellow believers. Each participating church chose men to accompany Paul on his journey to Jerusalem. They would deliver the gift and report on God's work among the Gentiles. These men were the fruit of world mission. They were an honor to Christ. Paul was sending a highly respected co-worker to Corinth with Titus. Perhaps he was Luke or possibly Barnabas--the man who taught Paul the principle of giving (Ac 11:25-30).
Application: Lord, help me to use money in a way that honors Christ and builds up people.
One Word: Honor Christ in the use of money