1. Because we fear God (11-13)
Since we must all appear before Christ's judgment seat, we must live with a holy fear of God. This fear drives all other fears from our hearts. If we fear and love God, we live before him, not before men. Because we fear God, we sometimes do things that look foolish to men. But God's people must not judge by outward appearance, but by what is in the heart. God's servant doesn't expect fellow believers always to understand his actions. But they must know that his motives are not selfish. He is trying to please God and build up God's flock.
2. Because of Christ's love (14-15)
Christ's life poured out for sinful humanity looks like a foolish waste. But because he died for us, we have life. We can no longer live selfish lives. We must live for him who loved us and died for us. Christ's love compels us to share his gospel with the people for whom he died.
Application: Lord, you loved me enough to die for me. Your love compels me to repent of my selfishness and live for you and for others.
One Word: Christ's love compels me