Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : 2Corinthians 5:1~10
Keyverse : 10

1. Our heavenly dwelling (1-8)

The destination of our earthly pilgrimage is the heavenly kingdom. We live tent lives in this world, but our eternal home is permanent. It is built by God. God made us to live with him. So we long for home. We long for Jesus. We are clothed with mortal bodies, but someday we will have immortal bodies. We do not need to fear death, for the Resurrected Jesus has defeated death. Death is swallowed up by life. How can we know? First, God has given us a security deposit, a taste of heaven--the Holy Spirit. Second, we know by faith. God promised, so we believe. We walk by faith and not by sight.

2. Our goal, to please God (9-10)

We must make it our goal to please God, for every person, without exception must appear before the judgment seat of Christ, to receive what is due him according to how he lived while in his earthly tent. My hope is in his kingdom, not in the world.

Application: Lord, thank you for your Spirit. Help me to follow you by faith, and make it my goal to please you in everything.
One Word: My goal--to please Jesus